Curmudgeony Butterfly by Blair Gaulton

Curmudgeony Butterfly
Blood sugar suddenly dives;
I feel like a curmudgeony butterfly;
out of place;
don’t really enjoy this space.
(C)BJG(Blair GaultonJan 2016

Blood Sugar Cobwebs by Blair Gaulton

Blood Sugar Cobwebs
Wind curls my hair;
blowing blood sugar cobwebs;
out of my mind;
As the fog lifts inside;
I smile.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Dec 2015

Battling by Blair Gaulton

Feeling blood sugar’s snow;
getting tired and slow;
enveloped in its embrace.
Mind is starting to get numb;
test and do something;
before I feel undone.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Nov 2015

Blood Sugar Butterfly’s Hope by Blair Gaulton

Blood Sugar Butterfly’s Hope
Blood sugar bananas;
as I flap through the leaves.
Will the butterfly make it back;
to the home field?
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Nov 2015

Blood Sugar Shift by Blair Gaulton

Blood Sugar Shift
suddenly flying like a butterfly;
am enjoying the flight.
Blood sugar must be out of whack;
have to pull myself back.
Grab some apple juice;
out of my backpack.
Drink it quick.
Flight disappears;
am left in tears.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Oct 2015

Blood Sugar’s Slalom by Blair Gaulton

Blood Sugar’s Slalom
Blood sugar slaloms around;
up and down;
as I fight to keep it on course.
(C)BJG(Blair Gaulton)Oct 2015